Thursday, August 25, 2016

In Edmonds, Washington: A Month Enjoying Family and a Great Play at Kitsap Forest Theater.

Good news. Instead of  lots of words, I'm going to tell the most interesting and enjoyable story of my month-long visit with wife Barbara to Edmonds, Washington, mostly through photos.

That's right, photos. 

One good photo can say more than dozens of written sentences. But there won't be photos of every little thing during the month. They are  primarily of one wonderful experience: the musical production, The Little Mermaid, at Kitsap Forest Theater on Bainbridge Island.

Kitsap has been putting on outdoor plays in this beautiful setting amidst old-growth forest of ancient western cedars and Douglas firs since 1923.
This play is extra, extra special for Barbara and me. First, our daughter Misha designed and made all the costumes, working day and night for weeks to complete them all. Second, grandkids Mia (14), Bella (13) and Max ( 9) all had onstage roles in The Little Mermaid.

They did great. Barbara and I are so proud of them. They are going to be stars some day!

Now let me get my one really bad experience out of the way: my son-in-law Ed, below, trying to strangle me!  As you can see, I am a seagull! I managed to break away and fly back to Massachusetts alive.

So now, on with the show!

In her workroom Misha works on Jason Gingold's costime for his role as King Triton. She not only designed all the costumes from scratch, but selected and purchased  all the materials, and then sewed them all! Below she is trying out her costume for Prince Eric on me. I was thinking: me a prince? Yes!

Now show time! Below three grandkids were up there giving it their all in costumes designed by their mom! Action!

Above, Max (fluke fish) is front and center, Mia (flamingo) is at right and Bella (angelfish) is in the rear flowing through the sea. Below, Mia (mersister Adella), front and center, sings and dances her heart out in the mermaid costume made by her mom. Every costume you see below was created by Misha from start to finish!

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 Max, front in blue, and  Mia, top far right, give it their all.

Above, after the performance, Prince Eric poses with his costume designer, 

Of course, I had to go on stage for a photo with King Triton. Here I hold his Triton after he transferred his powers to me.

Both of us wicked, the sea witch Ursula and I clicked.  (In real life, she is Natasha Chen, a reporter for KIRO 7 News.) 

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I am sensitive about my height. So I asked Prince Eric, played by Kori Lopreore, to bend down and he did.

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Finally, above, on stage after this wonderful production--Barbara, Mia, Misha, Bella, and Talula pose for the papparazzi.

So long and keep moving.

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