Tuesday, June 12, 2018

80! OMG! But after after years of lying about my age I now tell the truth -- and PROUDLY!

The truth is I'm getting old. And that's no lie.

As ages 50, 60, 70, flew by, I have answered questions about my age this way: "Whoa, I can't believe it, late 30's." I then changed the subject.

Now, I have to take a deep breath. Sorry, this is hard for me. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. You still there? Okay, here is the truth: on May 2, I turned 80!

80! 80! 80!

I did it! I told the truth!

And you know what?  I feel better.  Not only that, but friends and family and even my tennis guys have been telling me how lucky I am and that many people die much younger.  They are right. On a regular basis, most of the of the people in the obits are younger than I am now.  In other words, I have already lived a long, interesting, and happy life and can't die young!

If that is not a reason to celebrate turning 80, what is?  So that's exactly what I have been doing. Following are photos of this celebration.

I was a hockey player in Stoneham High in Mass. and then Merrimack College in North Andover, Mass. In fact hockey literally saved my life. I was the oldest of five kids and in different and uncaring foster homes.

When parents of Stoneham High teammates noticed that no family attended my games, the practically adopted me. They opened up their homes and even refrigerators to me. I went on to Merrimack College on a 4-year full-tuition athletic scholarship.

Knowing how important hockey was in my early days, my good wife Barbara had the above cake made for a reunion with my hockey teammates from Stoneham High graduating class of 1955. She hid the cake in the trunk of our car. At our recent reunion at Brothers Restaurant in Wakefield, Mass., she suddenly pulled out the cake and my old high school hockey inmates -- all in their 80's -- sang a rousing happy birthday to me.

Don't believe me? Here is the photo taken by Barbara:

Barbara also invited longtime friends Joanie and Art and four grandkids to our place for a feast and a happy visit. And, wouldn't you know, the gang surprised me with, believe it or not, ANOTHER gorgeous birthday cake. Joan and Art bought the cake.  As if that was not enough, they also gave me a generous check. When I came up from my "mancave" downstairs, the gang were all standing around the cake and surprised me with singing a boisterous Happy Birthday.

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